Thursday 10 November 2011

A Moral Dilemma

Jenn Ward
# 52 2250 Baskin Street
Penticton, B.C.
V2A 6Y3

November, 10th, 2011

Constable Pierre Catchacrook
Chief of Police
123 Crime Road
 Paris, France.

           Dear Constable Pierre Catchacrook,

           You may be asking yourself, why would I save Ada Artlover, instead of the priceless Mona Lisa painting, when the tragic fire that broke out in  Louvre Museum. My decision was a hard one, but I save Ada Artlover for multiple reasons. One of my main reason is because, Mrs. Artlover has a family and grandchildren that love her, Sure my decision to choose Mrs. Artlover over the Mona Lisa have hurt people, but there are many copies of the Mona Lisa and only one copy of Ada. My second reason, is because the way she talked about her grand children and how much she loved them, and how much they meant to her. And how she talked about her own kids taking care of her, almost every moment of their life. Finally, she was a old lady, sure Mona Lisa is 509 years old, but people will remember the Mona Lisa for years. Now, put yourself in this position, where it is your grandmother in this burning building, wouldn't you want someone to save her instead a priceless piece of art?


Jenn Ward

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