Friday 23 September 2011

O Captain, My Captain

Jenn Ward
September, 23, 2011
Penticton, BC
2550 Baskin Street

Dear Captain Van Camp,
   I should stay alive because I am planning on becoming a vetrinarian  and training dogs in agility. I have already had pet mice that have been really sick and were about to die, but I someone helped them stay alive by keeping them warm, making them eat, and making them drink. I have also trained a Boarder Collie/Papillion puppy to jump through and over stuff and how to swerve through cones; when I was 13 or 14 I had the opportunity to bring a dog to agility against other dogs, but the dog I trained to do all the tricks moved to summer land with its real owners. Now I am training a peer bread Weiner puppy to do the same stuff, I also intend on breeding my two female mice and help keep the babies alive like I had to last time because the older mother had a tumor. I hope to become a veterinarian in my future because I have had my own at home experiences, from keeping mice alive when their very sick to bandaging up the dogs legs when they hurt it. I know it is going to take a lot of schooling and that is why I am trying my hardest in school to get good grades I plan on going to collage and getting my veterinarian degree. I also plan on having two kids, and getting two decently sized dogs to train them in agility and possibly breeding them and training their puppies. I will probably keep breeding my mice as well. Recently I saved a 4-5 week old abandoned kitten off the side of the road and fed it. Captain I hope your decision is good and it is the best for all of us.


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