Friday 30 September 2011

Couldn't Keep my Eyes Open

             After Mrs. Mitty came out of the drugstore, they climbed into their automobile, Walter fastened his seat belt, turned on the windscreen wipers and carefully pulled away from the curb. As they drove out of Waterbury he noticed a young man lighting a cigarette then all of the sudden he was in a fire, no, then he notices he is the fire man, and he can feel the fire, yes the fire is very hot, he swears the it is hotter than a fix in a firestorm. He was trying to do everything, and before he knew it he was biting off more than he could chew. Maybe Walter Mitty was acting like this because he was scared out of his wits. He began to be scared of his own shadow, Because this fire was turning into a wildfire very, very fast. It could have possibly been faster than a superhero. The firemen are trying, but the fire is fighting like a cat and a dog. So Walter had to do something, he must find out who started this fire. He needs to put all the bits and pieces together. After the fire was out, it finally went out after a few hours, it was as slow as molasses in January.

Friday 23 September 2011

O Captain, My Captain

Jenn Ward
September, 23, 2011
Penticton, BC
2550 Baskin Street

Dear Captain Van Camp,
   I should stay alive because I am planning on becoming a vetrinarian  and training dogs in agility. I have already had pet mice that have been really sick and were about to die, but I someone helped them stay alive by keeping them warm, making them eat, and making them drink. I have also trained a Boarder Collie/Papillion puppy to jump through and over stuff and how to swerve through cones; when I was 13 or 14 I had the opportunity to bring a dog to agility against other dogs, but the dog I trained to do all the tricks moved to summer land with its real owners. Now I am training a peer bread Weiner puppy to do the same stuff, I also intend on breeding my two female mice and help keep the babies alive like I had to last time because the older mother had a tumor. I hope to become a veterinarian in my future because I have had my own at home experiences, from keeping mice alive when their very sick to bandaging up the dogs legs when they hurt it. I know it is going to take a lot of schooling and that is why I am trying my hardest in school to get good grades I plan on going to collage and getting my veterinarian degree. I also plan on having two kids, and getting two decently sized dogs to train them in agility and possibly breeding them and training their puppies. I will probably keep breeding my mice as well. Recently I saved a 4-5 week old abandoned kitten off the side of the road and fed it. Captain I hope your decision is good and it is the best for all of us.


Friday 9 September 2011

The Day We Will Never Forget.

My friends and I were walking to the Twin Towers. And while we were walking we heard a loud explosion and debris was flying everywhere. Turns out on September 11 2001, between the hours of 8:46am-10:28am in New York city two planes crashed into the Twin Towers, this was also known as 9/11. Approximately 3,000 including 19 hijackers were killed, and more than 6,000 were injured. Both of the towers collapsed within 2 hours. I remember it like it was yesterday. After the explosion we ran to the scene. People crying, screaming, at all the dead body laying everywhere, people injured struggling to get away from the building. We see this one women holding her 5 year old son in her arms screaming help, her leg was broken, and her son looked very hurt, bleeding from his head, ripped clothes, and scratches all down his body. Surrounded by bodies, we ran to the women to see if she was okay, she told us her name was Lauren, and she asked us to find her little 12 year old girl, and she gave us a picture. Swerving through injured people and bodies, we find her little girl, laying on the ground she looked dead, we go to get the body because that's what Lauren asked us to do for her. As we got closer to the little girls body we heard crying, she wasn't dead, just very hurt. So My friend and I started explaining to her what happened, and said we know where her mom is and we were going to take her to see her mom. I picked her up, she was crying, One of my friends gave her a sweater to put over her eyes so she wouldn't have to see all the bodies laying on the ground. We finally get to Lauren, Shes so happy to see her baby girl is alive. A few moments later we find out that Osama Bin Laden was not caught. Eventually the ambulances came and brought Lauren and the kids all got into ambulances. Everything was getting cleaned up and we went home. This is the day we will never forget.